WoW Classic: Balancing und "Boss"-Nerfs - Hotfixes für Saison der Entdeckungen

WoW Classic: Balancing und "Boss"-Nerfs - Hotfixes für Saison der Entdeckungen

Eine neue Runde Hotfixes für WoW. Diesmal sind die Classic-Server mit der Saison der Entdeckungen dran. Die Spieler dürfen sich über einige Buffs bei den Klassen freuen und gleichzeitig wird ein fieser Troll generft.

Auch wenn die WoW-Entwickler die Saison der Entdeckungen als Experiment ansehen, soll das Balancing auf den Classic-Servern natürlich zumindest halbwegs in Ordnung sein. Daher greifen die Entwickler jetzt nicht täglich, aber doch in aller Regelmäßigkeit zur Hotfix-Keule und setzen zum Rundumschlag an.

In den jüngsten Änderungen sehen wir daher einige Klassenanpassungen für verschiedene Spielweisen. Vor allem Magier, Jäger und Paladine werden sich freuen.

Gleichzeitig schwächen die Entwickler den Troll Kha'damu etwas ab. Dieser war so mächtig, dass ihn nicht mal Gruppen mit Game Master Unterstützung besiegt haben. Außerdem wird wohl das "Troll"-Item entfernt, mit dem die Entwickler die Spieler etwas veräppelt haben.

WoW Classic - Saison der Entdeckungen: Hotfix vom 6. März

Hier die offiziellen Patch Notes zur Saison der Entdeckungen:

WoW Classic: Season of Discovery

  • Kha'damu no longer drops extraneous items.
  • Kha'damu now recovers less health from his self-healing effects.
  • As Kha'damu grows in size, he now becomes more susceptible to attacks.
  • Mildly Irradiated Rejuvenation Potion now also increases Ranged Attack Power.
  • Enchanted Sigil: Innovation now increases ranged attack power in addition to its normal effects.
  • Hyperconductive Goldwrap tooltip updated to better reflect how Hyperconductive Goldwrap works.
  • Tooltips for new ranged, melee, and spell hit/crit stats in Season of Discovery have been updated to be less verbose. The effects were not changed.
  • Druid
    • Fixed an issue with Survival Instincts causing Druids to sometimes incorrectly gain health when shifting into Bear Form, Cat Form, or Dire Bear Form while Survival Instincts is active.
  • Hunter
    • Chimera Shot damage increased to 120% of weapon damage (was 100%) and Chimera Shot Serpent Sting damage increased to 48% of Serpent Sting damage (was 40%).
    • Explosive Shot base damage done before Attack Power increased by 15%.
    • Carve damage increased to 65% of weapon damage (was 50%).
  • Mage
    • Frostfire Bolt base damage increased by 50%, and its increased damage from bonus spell damage increased by 16%, identical to the value for Fireball.
    • Spellfrost Bolt base damage increased by 50%, and its increased damage from bonus spell damage increased by 14%, identical to the value for Frostbolt.
    • Regeneration, Mass Regeneration, and Chronostatic Preservation spell power coefficients increased by 88%.
      • Developers' notes: This is to compensate for Mage healers wearing primarily items which grant "damage and healing" instead of "healing".
    • Chronostatic Preservation mana cost decreased by 44%.
    • Resolved some tooltip issues with Chronostatic Preservation.
  • Paladin
    • Seal of Martyrdom damage increased to 50% weapon damage per swing (was 40%). Seal of Martyrdom Judgement increased to 85% weapon damage (was 70%).
    • Seal of Martyrdom Seal and Judgement effects now benefit from talents and effects that modify Seal of Righteousness, particularly Improved Seal of Righteousness.
    • Avenger's Shield now properly gains increased damage from the Paladin's Attack Power.
  • Shaman
    • Corrected an issue where Earth Shield was not healing for the correct amount.
  • Warlock
    • Grimoire of Synergy now increases damage done by the Warlock and their pet by 25% when it is active (was 5%).
  • Warrior
    • Devastate damage increased to 150% of weapon DPS (was 100%), before being increased by number of Sunder Armor stacks.
    • Fixed an issue with facing when using Intercept.
    • Deep Wounds will now continue dealing damage after the Warrior who applied it has died.

Quelle: Buffed